Plunger Lift Controller, Smart and Wireless


The arrival of the pandemic caused by COVID19 brought a decrease in the demand of oil & gas and caused a deacceleration of investments in the field. The post-pandemic reactivation that we are now experimenting requires a fast response, but to break the inertia we need time, which a strong demand cannot offer.

plunger lift system

AliEn2;; WellPilot ®F-15 Plunger-Lift Controller alien plunger controller

In oil & gas fields, there are already aged wells which have been used to their full production capacity, but by utilizing artificial lifting systems, they can improve their performance and even bring them back to production because some may have been closed.

Some operators utilize the simplest method, which is to close the well, wait until it lifts its pressure, and open it back. This causes the well to produce at an intermittent pace each time it opens. This task is generally performed in a spontaneous way and taking advantage of the casual presence of an operator near the well.

Other operators, when in presence of liquids in the aged well, directly utilize the “Plunger Lift” system. This well-known system results in an efficient way to extract 100% of the accumulated liquid in the well.

The “Plunger Lift” system is operated by a controller, which is the brain of the system. SMARTER CONTROLLERS developed a revolutionary controller denominated “SURICATA,” which utilizes the latest technology in the market to improve the user’s interface, accessibility, and data management. Another great innovation is the development of the algorithm called “PROINDEX” with which it is possible to increment the well’s production.

The “SURICATA” controller possesses Wireless technology. It can be operated, configurated, and it can download history data within the distance, even inside your own car. It also possesses SCADA connectivity.

The “SURICATA” controller replaces any controller installed in the wells which use “Plunger Lift”. Its installation and configuration demand 2 hours, its low investment will guarantee a quick profit with the improvement of the well production. The use of this new technology allows the operator companies to increment its production rapidly, as meeting the fast-growing demand we talked earlier.

This inform was elaborated by CEO of Smarter Controllers LLC. For more information about how this technology operates, please visit the following links:

